Blog: Malicious Browser Extensions

Blog: Malicious Browser Extensions

  There are hundreds of thousands of browser extensions designed to help us save time, tailor, and personalise our online experience and to help us be more productive. Whilst the majority do what they are supposed to do and what they are designed to do, some are not...
Red Flags – How to Spot a Phishing Email

Red Flags – How to Spot a Phishing Email

If a phishing email landed in your inbox would you be able to spot it? Fraudulent emails are now bigger than ever, it is important that you and your staff know what to look out for to keep your business safe. In this video we talk you through some of the basic safety...
Download Guide: Phishing – Your Complete Guide

Download Guide: Phishing – Your Complete Guide

Phishing is one of the most common types of cybercrime. How much do you know about it? We have written a guide to quickly and easily explain phishing and let you know what to look out for to keep you and your business safe. Phishing is when cyber criminals will...
Blog: Passkeys > Passwords

Blog: Passkeys > Passwords

  In May we heard there would soon be a successor to the password – the Passkey.   Now, we are hearing that Apple will start rolling out Passkeys in the next few months in iOS 16 and we cannot wait!   It has caused a bit of confusion though – Apple is...
How To: Upgrade Your Video Call Setup

How To: Upgrade Your Video Call Setup

Since the pandemic video calls have risen in popularity. It is safe to say that they are here to stay. Do you know how you look on your video calls? In our video we show you the three things to check to make sure your video call is the best it can be. You should check...