It’s no fun when your computer goes up the spout, or when your coffee is ready before your laptop in the morning. So for those moments when you just want it working it’s time to find your perfect IT Support provider. So you have gotten this far, but they say “we all do the same thing right?” — Wrong. Here are 5 reasons why you should choose West View IT as your IT Support Provider.

1. Because we love IT

​Let’s not beat around the bush, I love my job, with over a decade of experience I have built a strong wealth of knoweldge on how to get your technology working how YOU want it. But why, because I a Bloody Love it!!!

2. No “Nonsence” – No “Tech Jargon”

One thing I have learnt is that not everyone knows the technical details, and not only that, some people don’t want to know. You will never here us say something like “ooh yes, ​if you just ​add an additional ​SSD, then partition the drive with the correct ​size allocation ​on the NTFS Volume ​you can ​reinstall the operating system ​and run a more optimised system”- I don’t do jargon, It’s also worth mentioning, there are no smoke and mirrors here, we will always explain what we are doing but don’t do “Geek Talk”. (unless you want us to)

3. Onsite or Online – You choose

The vast majority of IT Support issues can be resolved either on the phone, or online. We use secure remote support software that enables you to get the majority of issues resolved without waiting for a visit. We will always provide you with the quickest way of dealing with an issue but without compromising on a quality solution. But if you would rather a site visit, no problem. We provide both On-Site Support as well as helping over the phone.

4. We don’t just install software… We manage it.

If you want a truely “Worry Free” Experience, Unlike many other IT providers who install software and leave it to run. We provide a fully managed Antivirus Suite & Backup Solution. This means that we ensure your files are ​backed up and ​security software ​is always running,​ up to date and ​protecting your network. The reason we know this, is because it reports directly to us.

5. Because customer service matters

​We have all had a bad customer service experience. Waiting on hold for over an hour just to be told that we haven’t got the right department. I run West View IT and provide the IT Support directly to my customers. When you call us, you speak to a person, not an automated message, I answer the phone as quickly as possible and ​genuinely care about my customers.

Not sure how we can help? – Have a read of our IT Support page to find out more

Need some IT help?

​Whether you need an IT solution for your business or some assistance at home, get in touch to see how we can help you.